How to “Not” Get Disappointed by Others

Recently, one of my acquaintances from MBA class requested me to give my entire MIS term paper to him saying, “You HAVE to give it to me.”

I was like, “Wait, miss instructed us specially not to copy the assignment from anyone, it should be different for all individual assignment.”

“It does not matter, just give the assignment to me and besides we are from different sections, she wouldn’t notice.”

“Sorry, I don’t give my term paper to anyone. It is just my personal law because I am a published author so I got my own intellectual property rights.” (Yeah, I know I sounded like a jerk back there but I needed to retaliate.)

“Don’t worry, I will just see the pattern, that’s all.”

“No can do, you are on your own and this is clearly not right as my term paper can get leaked and giving you mine will be unfair to all the others as well.”

We went into like this till I agreed to give him just a layout of the term paper. Previously, I gave him my Finance term paper which to my disappointment this moronic person did an entire copy/paste dragging my grade to the gallows for that course. We take it for granted that the faculties are dumb and lazy but the ones I have now are extremely sharp since they are all professors coming from a prestigious University.

My concern is not that my concern is, how people can be so utterly selfish and sometimes even going into bringing religion to this? Helping a friend is one thing and allowing plagiarism for a moronic friend is another thing. I gave all my notes to this fellow because I don’t read them myself, LOL to that but when it comes to assignments or term papers I am usually strict which some toxic people fail to notice.

I was always suspicious of this guy’s approaches, not only is he selfish but he is also very sneaky as well- treated me once with modest dishes in the streets, offered me rides on two occasion on his bicycle and worst of all- PRAISED ME EXCESSIVELY.

One of the things I truly hate is when people praise me in a weird fashion. Occasional sayings of “Good job” or “Well done” can be really appreciative and helpful to boost up your spirit but read to what this person said to me to grab my Finance assignment.

He called me over my cellphone and said the following and I am not making this up, “Saiyan brother, you really don’t know how much I truly miss you all day long and how much I long for you, so can I get your Finance assignment?”

I was like, “Errr…What the hell did I just hear…”

But I actually ended up giving it to him not because he said he missed me all day, of course that sounded really gay but he explained how much he was busy over the past week and could not sit to finish his assignment, it sounded legit so I forwarded it to him but now I am seeing he is making this into a habit and being shameless about this as well.

I have seen selfishly-blind, grade-greedy people during my BBA but this guy is like at a whole new level, I feel like he is prepared to do any sort of thing to raise his grades.

If you have people like this who constantly disappoint you like most of the time or feel like are surrounded by emotionally manipulative morons- pretending to be your friends just to use you and nothing more, around you, it is high time you let them go from your life. We got so many problems in our daily lives that we practically got no room for such people in our lives. Disappointment is of a lighter dose but when you got people who constantly hurt you with their behavior, I think it is finally to set the red light. These people are so succumbed into achieving their worldly desires, they usually forget the right way of achieving, things; worst part is they refuse to learn from their lives even when you attempt into advising them in any manner, they just somehow manage to bounce back to their fake self once again. Best is you don’t get involved with them, otherwise their “not-so-greatness” may get thrust upon you in the long run.

Furthermore, if you ever meet any emotionally manipulative person in your life or any other toxic fake friends, do this- make them disappointed at you before they disappoint you and they will leave you almost instantly. I recently met one person in the International Business class with whom I thought could have been a good friend but to my disappointment, he does not even look at me or more precisely- pretends that I don’t even exist and the reason for that is because I could not help him during our midterm exam, I was so preoccupied with my own exam paper that I did not get any spare time to even raise my head, graduate degree exams are like that, you barely get time to even stretch your body lose. So this person silently let go of me, not that I am disappointed but I feel relieved to find that he only approached me in the first place just to make use of me and once he found he could not, he just silently left like the morning wind.

So yeah, on an endnote, my advice to you is simple- Raise your self-respect so that when you encounter toxic people or fake friends or rather their true self is finally exposed, you don’t get disappointed and move on without them ever intoxicating your life ever again.

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