[Book Review] In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park


Most of us have heard just rumors and myths regarding the darkness which lurks within the borders of North Korea but truth always manages to sound stranger than fiction.

This book doesn’t only give you imageries regarding the only nation which has secluded itself from the rest of the world but it literally makes you feel the horror, the agony and the struggle of the people which deserve more in this life. The famous North Korean defector- Yeonmi Park presents her tale of wishes, desires, cries and finally, her fateful freedom, this book will literally cringe your heart thus only the bravest of the hearts are recommended to have a go for it. One of the best books, I think I will ever come across!

My Personal Rating: 5.0/5.0

Goodreads Rating: 4.5/5.0

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Please Allow the Women to Get Educated

Today I had the honor to listen to an interesting conversation between three female students at the cateen of the MBA building of my University. They were discussing the challenges they were facing in their studies. Strangely enough, all of them were married and even had children! I glanced at them and was surprised to find that they looked to be the same age as me or might have been few years older. Anyways, that is not the main concern here but they actually got to sit right next to me so as I was merrily scooping on my fried rice, I got to overhear their conversation, which I must dare say, was indeed a fateful experience.

One of the girls said, “I am facing problem because sometimes my husband criticizes me for studying MBA and also sometimes get criticized by my in-laws.” Another one said, “I need to attend to my baby all the time so it is pretty challenging for me as well.” The third one said, “Do you know? So and so (mentioned a girl’s name which I couldn’t catch) even wrote her thesis paper while being pregnant and she finished it really quick and got to submit it earlier than the deadline and within a few days she even gave birth.” The other girls laughed, though I personally did not find this funny. One of the girls said, “I find it difficult because whenever my father-in-law gets sick, everyone always expects me to take care of him and this ends up having me to leave my studies altogether.”

The point of me disclosing this conversation is to make everyone aware how much sacrifices the females of our society have to do in order to keep a balance within their personal life, family life as well as their academic life. Here I am in my mid twenties and I always complain how hard MBA is even after scoring good grades, having rather no external pressure without realizing that there are those females around me, being of my age-range, struggling to continue their studies and these people don’t necessarily have to come from poor families, sometimes even rich families can go into criticizing when they get to see the females are striving to gain a better career in life.

This conversation reminds me of one incident which happened during my Bachelor. One of our batch mate, I think this happened in the International Business course, lost her father-in-law and because of that she had to skip classes for an entire month! The reality of this world is that we need to accept that there is life as well as death. Indeed, the father-in-law dying is obviously a grave issue but stopping someone’s education for an entire month is indeed to some extent “barbaric” and what’s worse if the girls faced with this situation request to get back to their studies, the usual response they receive are quite pitiful and heart breaking, thus they choose to remain silent maintaining peace within the family. It should be noted that I am talking in context of the Indian subcontinent, not taking into account the culture of other nations.

My mother has a Bachelor degree in Law and I have always asked her why she never thought of prolonging her studies. She always tells me this- “Because I was stupid” that she hated studies so after graduation she went to her parents and requested them that she no longer wants to continue with her studies and wishes to get married instead. Still I always tell her, “You know, if you were a lawyer, it would have been really neat.” And she nods saying that she regrets her decision. Funny thing, I even requested her to get admitted to the Evening MBA program I am doing saying, “You can do it and the best part is that no one would be able to guess your true age so you can surely fit in with the others.” My mother just laughs.

So as I end this piece of writing, I want to request all of you that if you have female members in your family who are willing to prolong their studies or having females who are presently studying please provide them with the favorable environment because if you do, they will be able to repay to the nation by gifting it with a well-mannered and smart generation.