Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 31.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Recalcitrant Stubborn, often defiant of authority; difficult to manage or control.
Prodigious Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.
Derisive Expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking or scornful.
Duplicitous Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.


Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 30.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Atypical Not conforming to type; unusual or irregular. Deviating from what is usual or common or to be expected; often somewhat odd or strange.
Placate To appease or pacify; make (someone) less angry or hostile.
Bucolic Of or relating to the pleasant aspects of country life.
Pugnacious 1. Quarrelsome or combative in nature; belligerent.

2. Expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully.

Anomalous Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.


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Click To Discover The Meaning Of Your Life-Number, Energy frequency and vibration...
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New Ideas for Life: Nicola Tesla quotes                                                                                                                                                                                 More
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.Tesla was under appreciated in his time and deserves to be remembered today.
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Nikola Tesla Quotes On God

Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 29.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Voluminous Having great volume, fullness, size, or number; ample or lengthy in speech or writing.
Insipid Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty. Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull.
Fortuitous Happening by accident or chance. Happening by a fortunate accident or chance. Lucky or fortunate.
Ubiquitous Being or seeming to be everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent.
Antiquated Very old; aged. Too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; outmoded, obsolete.
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39 Inspirational Quotes About Life True...although I could have lived my entire life without the last one...
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Good morning sweetheart so true hope you had a good night I dreamt about you last night and didn't want to wake up  I miss you so much sweetheart...LUSM...❤️❤️..@
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10+Sassy+Quotes+To+Help+You+Stay+Real+Around+FAKE+People Contact us for custom quotes prints on canvas or vinyl
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38 Inspirational Quotes About Life
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It takes a lot of strength to remain quiet.

Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 28.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Penurious Extremely poor; poverty-stricken; miserly.
Loquacious Very talkative; garrulous.
Reciprocity A reciprocal condition or relationship.
Chagrin A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event.
Nefarious Infamous by way of being extremely wicked. Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile.
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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 27.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Vociferous Characterized by vehemence, clamour, or noisiness
Perspicacious Having strong insight into and understanding of things.
Mendacious Not telling the truth; lying.
Rapacious Aggressively greedy or ravenous; plundering
Myopic Distant objects appear blurred
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| #lifeadvancer #quotes | @lifeadvancer
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When She Quoted Dr. Seuss - All the Times Ronda Rousey Proved She's a Badass - Photos
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OOPS | They All Hate Us | Bloglovin’
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Women Should Live Their Life Following These Inspirational Quotes
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Top Best 30 Motivational Quotes #Motivational #Quotes

Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 26.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Cerebral Appealing to or requiring the use of the intellect; intellectual rather than emotional
Halcyon 1. Calm; peaceful; tranquil

2. Rich; wealthy; prosperous

Pernicious Having a harmful effect, particularly in a gradual or subtle way.
Bifurcate Divide into two branches or forks
Frenetic Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 25.10.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

  1. Expeditious – Acting or done with speed and efficiency.
  2. Formative – Of or relating to formation, growth, or development: the formative stages of a child.
  3. Ostentatious – Characterized by or given to pretentiousness.
  4. Epicurean – Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, particularly the enjoyment of gourmet food.
  5. Genteel – 1. Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.  2. Free from vulgarity or rudeness.  3. Elegantly stylish: genteel manners and appearance.


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