
I guess, when it comes to marriage, I was never meant to have a quite Islamic wedding just as I have always dreamt of…

Perhaps, to what I visualize, I was meant to date an Arab of stunning beauty and intelligence, most likely of rare kind. At our first date perhaps she would be thirty of minutes late and would run to my table apologizing shyly. Perhaps I would accept the apology with a slight nod of relief. She would hastily order for a cup of hot coco and a glass of cold coffee. Perhaps she would daintily start off explaining the reason behind her lateness and I would return it back with a low chuckle. Perhaps she would gleefully exchange her inner pleas covering the qualities she desires in her potential spouse and I would listen to them saliently taking each details with utmost care.

Hers hot coco and my cold coffee would arrive and she would return the waitress with a thankful radiant smile. Then she would stop and say with a bashful voice, “Now you tell your part.”

I would start and would intently listen and the two of us would forget about our coco and coffee. Perhaps during this time, I may randomly contemplate from the first time I ever got to take interest in a girl back in kindergarten to whom I promised I would be someone great and when she hears my name, she would be proud; to the one I promised I wouldn’t reject a girl anymore without giving them chances to the ones I wasn’t allowed to get married to solely for some cultural constraint; from the time when I was forced to reject those who were interested in me, to the one where we thought we weren’t a good match where we parted with warmness. I would part.

Perhaps she would listen to all my words looking at me with a bemused countenance returning me with her silent short breaths. Having done, perhaps I would gulp, feeling the dryness inside my throat for the first time and I would nervously wait for her remarks.

She would blink swiftly, perhaps for the first time or perhaps for the first time I ever got to notice and she would give out the singular most beautiful smile I ever got to witness in a woman.

Perhaps the heat from the coco would wither while the ice in the coffee would disappear until the two settles out to become the same.

And perhaps, with joyous thoughts the two of us would look at one another realizing we had finally met our match.