No One Deserves This

The story I am going to post is from a fellow Canadian Bangladeshi who got bamboozled by his wife through marriage and then through divorce. I am posting this as a cautionary tale so that no other Bangladeshi gets to experience this. When marrying someone, please make all the necessary effort to know that person in order to realize his/her true intents.

I am posting the original post below with the necessary edits in the language. This has been posted in the BCCB (Bangladeshi-Canadian Canadian Bangladeshi) Forum over Facebook.

I had a 5-year old married life. I am a Canadian citizen (Bangladeshi origin), who sponsored his wife from Bangladesh (after marriage). I have a kid who is 1 year of age. From the beginning of my marriage, my wife used to speak very little and was very introverted in nature. She did not open up to me at all. I was okay with it as people are different. After coming to Canada, the first 2 years, she was somewhat okay, but by somewhat okay I mean, she used to do some house work- cooking, and spending time with me, at least. From the last 3 years, she had become very distant. I tried everything- visit new place, spend time with her. I even switch my job, so that I could give her more time. As I presently have a good job and my manager being very flexible, I was able to spend more time with her. I even offered her therapy, but she was not willing to do that.

Now, around 9 months ago, she confessed that she has reconnected with her ex-boyfriend in Toronto and wanted to divorce me. It came as a total surprise for me. So I started questioning, and then she told me that she never loved me. All along, she have always loved her boyfriend. Since I am a Canadian citizen, at the time of our marriage which was arranged, she saw an opportunity to come to Canada. Her boyfriend at that time was an international student at the University of Toronto and was not in any position to marry or sponsor her. Now that he’s fully capable to taking care of her, she was willing to leave me.

In summary, (I quote), in her own words- “I saw an opportunity to marry you, let you take all the cost and hassle for me to bring me here.”

I was devastated, fell being cheated. not actually “felt” as she did cheat since she never stopped visiting her boyfriend in Toronto and I never suspected a single thing.

I talked with my lawyer who informed me that since she is a citizen, nothing can be done now. Apparently having extramarital affair in Canada is not illegal by law. And it will also be almost impossible to prove her intention for our marriage at court. Now, on top of everything, she is suing me for alimony, child support and house ownership. The court has already discharged her and have charged me with all the cost. There’s very little chance to win the appeal, even though I was cheated, betrayed and felling lost.

Just recently got 40% percent custody of our kid with her taking the other 60%. Her family is in full support towards her and even paid for a very good lawyer. My family don’t even care (about this) at all. Never again, I am getting married. I have learnt my lesson.

I am also posting the screenshot of the unedited original post taken from the BCCB forum at Facebook:

The real post taken from Facebook

Please I request everyone to pray for this unfortunate brother. No one deserves this happening in his/her life, I prayer for him and his 1 year old child.

One thought on “No One Deserves This

  1. Fantastic post! Alimony in Canada is a topic that needs more attention, and your blog post does justice to it. Your thorough exploration of the subject, along with real-life examples, is highly beneficial. If anyone wants to be well-informed about alimony in Canada, they should definitely read alimony in Canada.

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