
I guess, when it comes to marriage, I was never meant to have a quite Islamic wedding just as I have always dreamt of…

Perhaps, to what I visualize, I was meant to date an Arab of stunning beauty and intelligence, most likely of rare kind. At our first date perhaps she would be thirty of minutes late and would run to my table apologizing shyly. Perhaps I would accept the apology with a slight nod of relief. She would hastily order for a cup of hot coco and a glass of cold coffee. Perhaps she would daintily start off explaining the reason behind her lateness and I would return it back with a low chuckle. Perhaps she would gleefully exchange her inner pleas covering the qualities she desires in her potential spouse and I would listen to them saliently taking each details with utmost care.

Hers hot coco and my cold coffee would arrive and she would return the waitress with a thankful radiant smile. Then she would stop and say with a bashful voice, “Now you tell your part.”

I would start and would intently listen and the two of us would forget about our coco and coffee. Perhaps during this time, I may randomly contemplate from the first time I ever got to take interest in a girl back in kindergarten to whom I promised I would be someone great and when she hears my name, she would be proud; to the one I promised I wouldn’t reject a girl anymore without giving them chances to the ones I wasn’t allowed to get married to solely for some cultural constraint; from the time when I was forced to reject those who were interested in me, to the one where we thought we weren’t a good match where we parted with warmness. I would part.

Perhaps she would listen to all my words looking at me with a bemused countenance returning me with her silent short breaths. Having done, perhaps I would gulp, feeling the dryness inside my throat for the first time and I would nervously wait for her remarks.

She would blink swiftly, perhaps for the first time or perhaps for the first time I ever got to notice and she would give out the singular most beautiful smile I ever got to witness in a woman.

Perhaps the heat from the coco would wither while the ice in the coffee would disappear until the two settles out to become the same.

And perhaps, with joyous thoughts the two of us would look at one another realizing we had finally met our match.

Our Moments Together

A Techno-Thriller Romance

Howen fixed his eyes on the lifeless body of Yumi as he gently placed her on the full body scanning device. Two and a half hours of time have passed since she drew her final breath and to Howen it felt like ages. Her body felt naturally numb though unusually cold which worried Howen fearing that the electro-magnetic waves might not properly pass through her body.

“I am grateful for the time we spent together though I know it seemed so short…I seek for your forgiveness for having been born so weak. I pray that you get to find someone much better than me.” Those were her tearful last words.

In reply Howen said, “What are you saying? I can’t hope to find anyone better than you and you are going to get better and we will go to the beach and watch the sunset together just like the old days, I promise and we are going to live through this together…” He wanted to say more but the nurses limited his further advance as the stretcher was pushed away to the operating room.

She managed to jerk a frail nod most likely gesturing, “It’s going to be alright”. But it never was.

When the doctor came out with his head bowed down, Howen knew the obvious. He knew the complexity of Yumi’s disease but he never dared to imagine her in the lifeless state. It was never ought to be a successful operation but Howen hoped for a miracle to bring the light to Yumi’s heart. But the light faded away taking Yumi with it.

“Who is going to take custody of the dead copy, sir?” asked the doctor?

“I will.” replied Howen with the words barely coming out of his quivering lips.

“Doesn’t the miss have any guardian of her own?”

“No. Her father when she was only three and her mother passed away eight years back and to my knowledge, she has no known relative in this prefecture.”

“Oh, I see. Do you want me to inform your father?”

Howen gulped, “No. I will take her.”

Howen’s father, Dr. Yamazaki Kento, was one of Japan’s best AI engineers. Having completed his graduation from Tokyo, he lost no time to seize the opportunity of his full-bright scholarship and fly off to complete his Masters from MIT and that too ended up with a gold medal. After returning to his homeland Dr. Yamazaki turned himself into a fulltime research engineer dedicating his life in the effort of finding new means to program machines into possessing their own intelligence, thus leading him to form the Japanese Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (JAIRC) in the year, 2089. His efforts soon paid off as he finally made a groundbreaking innovation. He called it the “artificial soul” or “Jinkō no tamashī” in Japanese. The technology had the ability of returning life to the dead. It is just like the “elixir of life” appearing only in ancient Japanese legends. Dr. Yamazaki’s innovation turned the myth into a reality. The process required him to turn the human body into a cyborg and then insert the artificial inside the body. To make the person almost identical to its true self, memories, collected from the deceased’s brain, are inputted to the cyborg’s brain. Though he got the patent for his technology but the Japanese government, choosing to be rather luddite, refused to issue license in approval of producing artificial souls. Dr. Yamazaki claimed that the original Japanese population was falling and they needed to preserve their seemingly extinct race but the high authority’s argument remained with the stand that this innovation would lead the world into an “imbalance”.

Yamazaki Howen was no different from his father. Being a techno prodigy himself, he decided to trace the steps of his father’s path. After acing all exams at middle and high school, he was now majoring in AI at Osaka University. Amane Yumi was his childhood friend, knowing her ever since middle school. She was the daughter of one of his father’s lab attendant who died during a fire outburst at one part of his father’s lab.

It had been three years since Howen confessed his love for Yumi, finally expressing his feeling for her after a decade of acquaintance. Howen had always been the secret crush of Yumi who readily accepted his proposal as they started a whole new chapter of their tale as a couple.

Yumi had always been a docile girl, partially shy though rightfully amiable. Physically she appeared a lot frailer than other girls as she used to get weak quite easily from their long distance walks with Howen. That never bothered their strong bond as Howen, upon sensing her impeding frailness, he used to scoop her up in a piggyback ride and carry her out all the way.

Things changed when Yumi learnt of her illness on the second year of their relationship. It seemed delirious for Yumi as her confidence chose to part away from her. However, Howen, acting up as her “power house”, always tried to plant a smile of hope on her face. Yumi used to smile nonchalantly praying each day to get better so as to get their usual days back. But the smile soon died away as she finally had to give in to her fate.

I promise, I will bring you back, murmured Howen in his mind as the scanner finished its job.

Now he had to deliver Yumi’s body to the Biomechatronic Chamber where she would get her cyborg form. Howen paused to think for a minute being skeptical with this whole process.

What if she comes out being a completely different person…?

That won’t be possible as I have already preserved her memory.

What if something goes wrong? Will this be considered illegal by the AI Police Force?

It shouldn’t be as this is my father’s technology. If needed we just got to ostracize ourselves, that’s all.

Upon finally deciding to his weaker side, he pressed the button of the Biomechatronic Chamber.

Howen watched intently at the screen as the biomechatronic process progressed.

When the screen hit at 99% after 17 long hours of wait, Howen clearly felt his heart skipping out. As the process ended, his fingered quivered to the discharge button. The doors opened with an ominous smog which clouded the lab. Howen peered down to find Yumi, now a cyborg, looking much lifelike than before.

He called out to her, “Yumi… Can you hear me?”

Yumi gently opened her eyes and looked at Howen.

Thank goodness, it was a success! Howen helped her get out of the chamber. Looking at her, he asked softly, “Do you remember me?”

Yumi gave him a blank look as she shrugged her head.

She is still devoided of her memories and emotions, realized Howen. He guided her to the Memory Retrieval Machine. Placing the headset on her, he stood beside her patiently with tears of partial thankfulness and terror jerking out of his eyes.

It won’t be long till we get to be together.

Howen fell asleep feeling exhausted from all the stress and fatigue. He woke up at the beeping of the machine as it marked its completion. He lightly lifted up the headset from Yumi. As she fixed her eyes on Howen, all those lost memories and emotions began to emerge and converge. She finally remembered who she was as she threw herself to Howen and began to wail. Howen, not being able to take command of his own tears as well, freely let his sentiments overpower him.

It wasn’t long before they heard the noxious hiss of the lab door as it slid opened and members of the AI Police Force rushed in.

“Sir, you are under arrest for creating an unauthorized cyborg. You have the right to remain silent as well as the right to have an attorney.” ejaculated one of its members.

“What is the meaning of this? I just made use of my father’s property!” roared Howen as two policemen grabbed his arm from behind.

“We all respect you in being the son of Dr. Yamazaki but when it comes to laws, we are all treated the same. Now decommission that cyborg and bring it on.”

What Howen witnessed next cracked away his spirit. One of the members pierced a needlelike device inside Yumi’s neck, Yumi jagged her lips and Howen knew that the device was meant to suck away her artificial soul. Suddenly, the sense of right or wrong, good or bad, moral or indecent quickly evaporated from the Howen’s soul. He forgot what his father warned him about and all about laws and regulations as his hands swiftly mutilated into arms and ammunition.

The police force holding him could barely utter, “Hey, you are also a cy…” before Howen got the opportunity to target his laser gun properly and disintegrate the two policemen.

The other policemen, having realized the calamity of the situation, threw Yumi away and began firing at Howen as he managed to slide himself behind a large device. The two parties exchanged blows as Howen clearly witnessed the damages done to his father’s lab.

I won’t be able to hold them like this for long and looks like the lab is also going to blow if we keep on continuing like this. If the lab blows off, there won’t be any hope to retrieve Yumi, anymore.

He suddenly remembered the existence of a star-screen bomb inserted on the side of his pocket. He took out the bomb and pondered, This is going to be my final chance.

He threw the bomb and turned on his heat-sensing vision as he clearly saw the bomb blasting a torrent of glaring light throughout the lab. The policemen lost their focus for few seconds and in that moment Howen rushed in towards and upon sensing their body heat, he was able to target them and kill them off quickly.

Soon enough the light faded away as he found the wounded body of Yumi. She was breathing deeply clutching onto her pierced abdomen. He gently picked her up feeling completely devastated. Only then he realized his left arm being severely impaired.

“You are a cyborg too!” Yumi could barely make her words.

Howen just gave her a slight nod and then explained, “Ten years ago, the real Howen got into a serious accident from which he was almost dying. Realizing this situation, Father made me a new body in form of a cyborg. Father added in my weapons so that I could protect myself at times of need. The reason why no one could detect my artificial soul which was made unlicensed is because the time when I was dying, my real soul was spliced with the artificial soul giving me a renewed life as well as keeping the old me intact.”

Yumi smiled faintly, “I always knew you were a cyborg.”

“Since when?”

“Since our childhood. You once fell down the tree and severely injured yourself. When I rushed in to take care of your bruises, I felt electric waves coming out of your injury. I thought I was imagining things but it all makes sense now.”

Howen tried to prevent his tears from appearing but he desperately failed. His father’s cyborg generation lab looked a total debacle and he could hardly imagine the worst.

But the worst still awaited Howen. He placed her at the scanning device. The device took ten minutes to scan then the concern message popped out, “Concern: Unable to Formulate Repair Process.”

Howen shrieked in agony. How is it even possible?

He checked in once more only to find the disdaining reality that Yumi’s cervical vertebrae had been impaired to such an extent that it was beyond repair.

Howen dismally looked at Yumi who seemed to be laying on her death bed for the second time. He looked at his severed left arm which was now emitting small bits of electric torrents. He took a deep breath and thought to himself, There is only one thing to do now, in order to put this misery to its end!

He turned on the cyborg detaching device and brought a bed beside that of Yumi and laid himself He was now directly looking at Yumi.

“What are you planning to do?” asked Yumi sounding concerned.

“Just be positive, have faith. I set the machine to detach our body parts and preserve them along with our memories so that someday when cyborgs are made fully legal, someone kind enough may reconstruct us and we get to be together once more.”

“You are so sweet… I am thankful… I wish we get to stay together… once more.”

Howen started to wail, with his tears now clouding his vision. “I am sorry it turned out to be like this. I know, I am nothing compared to my father, I should have studied more then only…”

Yumi cut Howen’s words by saying, “It’s alright, I am alright by this. At least we got to relive our moments together even for a short span of time. Don’t you agree?”

The robotic arms have started to detach their body.

Howen could barely speak his emotions taking the command over him. “Hey Yumi, I am sorry, I am sorry for that day, the day your mother died, I was at the lab that day, somehow something went wrong, the molecular device suddenly broke off and fell on her. She was crying for help but I was small back then, a complete coward, instead of seeking for help, I ran away from that place and before I could bring myself back together, the whole place blew up. I always wanted to tell you this but I was scared about the thought that you may leave me after having known the truth behind your mother’s death.”

Yumi just smiled which appeared to be a smile of appreciation, her cheeks streaked in tears. She just feebly managed to utter her last words, “Arigato… Sayonara…” (Thank You & Goodbye in Japanese) as the robotic arms took out the memory bar out of her brain. The spark from her eyes soon faded away.

Howen could no longer control himself, he wept away helplessly, being uncertain of the future which would either one day bind them together or would keep them casted away forever. His misery soon decayed as he felt the robotic arms venturing through his brain and the next thing he remembered was soon flooded into perpetual blankness.


Dr. Koizumi has been busy in his lab ever since he had won the cyborg auction. Usually each cyborg has its own memory disk but for this unique cyborg duo, only one disk exist which truly marveled him at the auction. After buying the cyborg parts, he was jolted with the words engraved on the disk, “Our Moments Together”, pointing out to a possibility of an existence of a merged memory shared between two cyborgs.

If that is true, I will be the first ever scientist in history of having been able to reconstruct two cyborgs with merged memory, now that Biomechatronics have been fully legalized by the government.

These thoughts jolted his zeal to newer heights as he rummaged through his textbooks and databases. What amused him the most was that the cyborgs have already had their own predetermined names and memories which he couldn’t reprogram them no matter what. Though he admitted that he personally loved both of their given names, there was something mystical, something auspicious about their names so he dared not change them and keep them as it was- Howen & Yumi.

*End Note: This story was originally set to be released in one of my Bengali short story compilation and this may actually sound crazy but the planned year of its release was in fact 2024! I was confused regarding whether to release this work as a full length novel, novella or short story. Then suddenly my international fans started to nag me into writing a romantic thriller, I am not into the romance genre though people claim me to write that more often. So yeah, I got to cornered in this case. I like fusing two or more genres which I have done in this case. I deliberately based this story to Japan so as to give it a better techno-thriller effect.

Usually I write my fictions in Bangla because I find them well suited when crafted in my mother tongue. But based on requests from my non-Bengali readers, I felt obliged to write something for them. I consider this more like a pilot project, I wrote this in one go and may contain silly typos and the original setting may even change when it gets published in Bangla but the overall plot will remain like this. Please do comment below regarding any suggestion or review. If you want, I can write stories like this even more.


Published in Reddit Sci-fi as Creepomaniac:

Rejection Was Never So Blissful

A Slice Of Life Romance

I glanced at her for yet another moment. My cheeks once more flushed red as I finally blinked and dropped off my gaze. Sometimes, I thought it was pointless in looking at her because the inner pain inside me resided all the same even when I thought looking at her for few seconds might simply help me in one way or the other. However, it was not like the way as I expected because my heart ceaselessly kept on sinking for her attention. I knew I had to approach her as soon as possible.

“It will be alright, no worries.” patted Samina.

I managed to let out a low groan.

Samina had always been my best friend since kindergarten and since then perhaps she is not known to any of my misted secrets.

‘Just give it some time, it will be alright” Samina consoled me.

My nights went sleepless as I pondered over her and still did not manage to find any peace. My mental condition was deteriorating as finally I decided to unveil my feelings to her.

“I really don’t know how I should approach her…” I was once more thinking about my proposal and it felt like for the hundredth time of the day.

“You can practice in front of the mirror” suggested Samina.

“Practicing in front of a mirror never works, at least for me.”

“You can practice it in front of me” said Samina as she bowed down her head.

I sprang up. “That’s a great idea! You are a girl and it will work much better than speaking to a mirror”

I practiced for two weeks in a row in between our free period until I finally gained my confidence. I knew it for sure that I could finally approach her.

It was a typical summer day, I remember sweating like anything on that day. The heat was more unbearable with the extra incandescence which was howling in my heart. In my hand I had six muffins packed in a paper wrapper baked by Samina.

As I walked towards her I clearly felt the earth shaking, the whole world whirled in front my eyes. I was only two paces away from my first proposal and there was I sweating like the pregnant clouds giving away the relentless rain.

She was studying and from the distance, I could tell it was an Economics textbook. Sensing I was near her, she looked at me. Her placid eyes melted me. The time had come. I had practised saying it a hundred times, but when the moment came, I couldn’t open my mouth!  I just stood there like a silent statue.

Without realizing anything, I dumbly asked, “I have got cakes do you want some?”

She initially gave me a confused look and then it developed into a shy smile and then reached out her hand to pick one cake. That really heightened my chance of victory.

But what went afterwards was a total disaster. She nibbled one cake and a distasteful expression appeared on her face, Then she just placed her right hands on her lips as she struggled to swallow the cake. In a split second she stood up and uttering an “Excuse me” she just skidded away from the canteen.

I froze upon this ghastly sight. Here I was seated feeling completely dumbfounded while I witnessed my first crush walk off. I took one muffin and then gobbled and the next moment I realized, I was choking.

I stormed against Samina, “Why did you make the muffins so spicy?”

Samina remained silent.

I could not laxen down my temper. I took her hand and pressed her wrist. “Why did you do this? Were you jealous of her?”

Samina gave me a blank look and then she pulled her arms back. With her face buried in her face, she started sobbing, People started to gather around us.

I shuddered. With an incoherent voice, I asked,  “Samina? Why?”

“Because I did not want to lose you from my life”

I felt my heart collapsing as I felt the starting of a whole new life.


As I ended my narration, I looked at the bewildered look on my daughters’ faces.

“Hey dad, you never mentioned her name.” asked Radia, the eldest.

“Yeah, dad what was her name?” asked Liza, the youngest.

“Was she prettier than mom?” asked Maria, forgetting all her usual shyness.

My voice dropped. “All I can say is that even though I lost the first crush of my life, Allah gave me a much better wife who loved me ever since her childhood. And none of you must mention this story to your mom. Okay?”

All my daughters nodded their heads in agreement.

As I got up, Liza once more bellowed, “At least mention her name to us…”

“Okay, the hint is that one of you have been given the same name as her and it is your task to find out whose”

As I left my daughters arguing over one another over regarding the name of my first crush I realized that Allah had indeed taken away someone who was special to me but He gave me Samina, the person who loved me dearly and sincerely.

“If Allah knows [any] good in your hearts, He will give you [something] better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 70 (8:70) Translation: Sahih International

First Published at Dhaka Insider: