Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 16.01.2018

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Efficacious Successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.
Tepid Showing little enthusiasm.
Provenance The beginning of something’s existence; something’s origin. The place of origin or earliest known history of something.
Onerous Involving heavy obligations. Involving a burdensome amount of effort and difficulty.
Dismal Gloomy. Depressing; dreary.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 31.12.2017

Sorry for the long delay, I was working on my latest book- The Weekly Khutbah, Volume 3. It is now available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Weekly-Khutbah-2015-2016/dp/198343308X/

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Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Abstruse Difficult to understand; obscure.
Labyrinth A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze.

An intricate and confusing arrangement.

Bromide A commonplace remark or notion; a platitude.
Doleful Expressing sorrow; mournful.
Malicious Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.








Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 04.12.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Vitiate Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.

Destroy or impair the legal validity of.

Spurious Not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit. Not being what it purports to be; false or fake.
Pejorative Expressing contempt or disapproval. Disparaging; belittling.
Sardonic Grimly mocking or cynical.
Veracity Conformity to facts; accuracy.

Habitual truthfulness.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 03.12.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Salacious Treating sexual matters in an indecent way. Lustful; lecherous.
Alchemy 1. A power or process of transforming something common into something special.

2. An inexplicable or mysterious process by which paradoxical results are achieved with no obvious rational explanation.

Vitriol Cruel, bitter, scathing criticism; Abusive feeling or expression.
Capacious Having a lot of space inside; roomy.
Predacious Predatory; Given to victimizing, plundering, or destroying for one’s own gain.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 02.12.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Tactile (1) Of or connected with the sense of touch.

(2) Perceptible by touch or apparently so; tangible

Facetious Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Existential (1) Of or relating to existence.

(2) Concerned with existence, esp. human existence as viewed in the theories of existentialism.

Caprice A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.
Indolent Having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful, lazy.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 01.12.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Luminous Bright or shining, esp. in the dark. Glowing with health, vigor, or a particular emotion.
Mitigate (1) Make less severe, serious, or painful.

(2) Lessen the gravity of (an offense or mistake).

Determinate Having exact and discernible limits or form.
Divergence (1) A difference or conflict in opinions, interests, wishes, etc.

(2) The process or state of diverging.

Propitious (1) Indicating a good chance of success; favorable.

(2) Favorably disposed toward someone.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 30.11.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Endemic Native to a specific region or environment and not occurring naturally anywhere else.
Atrocious Horrifyingly wicked.

Of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant.

Abysmal Extremely bad; appalling.
Fractious (1) Easily irritated; bad-tempered.

(2) (of an organization) Difficult to control; unruly.

Austerity (1) Sternness or severity of manner or attitude.

(2) Extreme plainness and simplicity of style or appearance.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 29.11.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Didactic (1) Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.

(2) In the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing way.

Masticate To chew (as in food). To reduce to pulp by crushing, grinding or kneading.
Lascivious Feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire.
Superfluous Unnecessary, being beyond what is required or sufficient.
Paradox A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. An opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion, but may be factual.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 28.11.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Vacuous Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence.
Garrulous Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Insolent Showing a rude or arrogant lack of respect.
Innervate To stimulate or supply nervous energy.
Decadent n. A person who is luxuriously self-indulgent.

adj. Characterized by or reflecting a state of decay or cultural decline, as in being self-indulgent or morally corrupt.


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Vocabs & Quotes of the Day – 27.11.2017

Vocabulary (Taken from WordThink)

Vacillate Alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.
Tenacious 1. Not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object that one holds, a position, or a principle.

2. Not easily dispelled or discouraged; persisting in existence or in a course of action.

Pundit 1. Somebody who expresses an opinion: somebody who acts as a critic or authority on a particular subject, especially in the media.

2. Somebody wise: somebody with knowledge and wisdom.

Juxtapose To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
Agnostic A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena.


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