হুমায়ূন আহমেদ-এর “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” অবলম্বনে পেস্টিচে

বেশ কিছু বছর হয়ে গেল আমি বাংলায় লিখি না। সঠিক বলতে গেলে আমি লেখালেখি পুরোটাই হয়তো ছেড়েই দিয়েছি। ২০১৫ সালে “বিচিত্র” লেখার পর নিজের মধ্যে স্পৃহা জমিয়ে নিজের দ্বিতীয় বই – “বিষণ্ন” যে শেষ করবো তার জন্য মনোবলও যোগাতে পারিনি। এ কয়েকটি বছর কত কিছু যে আমার জীবনে ঘটে গেল তা এক ব্লগ পোস্টে লিখে শেষ করা বৃথা।

যাই হোক লেখালেখি থেকে এত লম্বা বিরতি এক লেখকের জন্য বড়ই হতাশাজনক। এবং বলা বাহুল্য যে আমি কোনও বড় মাত্রার লেখক নই যে আমাকে কেউ মনে রেখেছে আর যারা মনে রাখতো ওরাও হয়তো ভুলে গেছে যে আমি আদৌ লেখালেখি করি। তার সঙ্গে আমিও খেয়াল করা শুরু করি যে আমারও লেখালেখির হাত সঙ্গে ইচ্ছা শক্তিতাও ধীরে ধীরে ফুড়িয়ে যাচ্ছা। তা আবার কানাডা আসার পর বাংল ভাষা চর্চা মটেও করা হয়ই না। মন্ট্রিয়েল শহরে থাকা কারণে উল্টা ফরাসি ভাষাটা শিখা হচ্ছে।

মন্ট্রিয়েল শহরে মেট্রো রেলে আমার যাতায়াত দৈনন্দিন হয়। মেট্রো রেলে ঘুরতে ঘুরতে একদিন শুনি বাংলাদেশেও মেট্রো রেল চালু হয়ে গেছে। যাক দেশে আরও ইতিবাচক উন্নতি হোক এটাই সকলের চাওয়া। মেট্রো রেলে ঘুরাঘুরি আমার অত্যন্ত পছন্দের এক কাজ কারণ আসনে বসে যখন শা-শা করে মেট্রো ছুটছে গন্তব্যের দিকে তখন নিরবে আপন মনে অনেক কিছু ভাবা যায়।

বাংলাদেশে আমার সবচাইতে পছন্দের ঐতিহ্য হচ্ছে আমাদের চির চেনা অমর একুশের বইমেলা। আমার মনে আছে শৈশবকালে প্রতি বছর বইমেলা শুরু হলে বাবাকে নিয়ে প্রথমেই খোঁজ নিতাম সে বছর আমাদের প্রিয় কথাসাহিতিক হুমায়ূন আহমেদ নতুন কি বই লিখেছেন। আজ ১০ বছরের চেয়ে বেশি সময় কেটে গেছে হুমায়ূন আহমেদ স্যারের কোনও বই পড়ি না। কিছু দিন আগেও ওনার লেখা পুরানো বই পড়ে খুশি হওয়ার চেয়ে আরও হতাশাগ্রস্ত হয়ে পড়ি। এর কারণ মানুষটি আমাদের মাঝে আর নেই। বাস্তবতা বড়ই কষ্টের!

মেট্রো রেলে যাতায়াত করতে করতে হঠৎ মাথায় আসলো হুমায়ূন আহমেদ স্যারের অনেক “সম্পূ্র্ণ-মুলোক উপন্যাস” আছে যা উনি ইচ্ছা করেই পাঠকদের কল্পনার কাছে ছেড়ে দিয়ে উপন্যাসগুলোর সমাপ্তি ঘটান। এসব গল্পে কোনও সমাপ্তি নাই জেনে মনের মধ্য আরও অশান্তি জন্মায়, মনে হয় “এ কি পড়লাম… এর শেষ নাই কেন… ধুর!”

এমন একটি উপন্যাস “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে”। বইটি হুমায়ূন আহমেদ স্যারের আরও পরিচিত “শঙ্খনীল কারাগার”, “নন্দিত নরকে”, হিমু বা মিসির আলীর মত অত বেশি জনপ্রিয় না হলেও আমার মনের মধ্যে এক বড় ধরণের অশান্তি জন্ম দেয় যখন বইটি শেষ করি। জানতে বড়ই ইচ্ছা করে শেষে চিত্রার কি হলো, ওর বাবা ও মার কথা কি হলো, শেষে কি ওর বিয়ে হয়? – এই বড় প্রশ্নটি “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” নামক বইটি পড়েও উত্তরটি পেলাম না কখনও।

প্রথমে বলে রাখি আমি “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” বইটির প্যাস্টিচে লিখছি নিজের কোনও ব্যক্তিগত লাভের আশায় না। আর হুমায়ূন আহমেদ স্যারকে মন থেকে সম্মান জানায় লিখছি। তবে হ্যা একটি লাভ মাথায় নিয়ে লিখছি এ প্যাস্টিচে সেটি হচ্ছে আমার লেখালেখির হাত ফিরে পাবার আশায় যেন আমার দ্বিতীয় বইটি পুনরায় আবার লেখা শুরু করে শেষ করতে পারি। আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন।

প্যাস্টিচে, ইংরেজিতে “pastiche” শব্দটির সঙ্গে কেউ পরিচিত না থাকলে, বলে রাখা ভালো এর অর্থ – “অন্য গ্রন্থকার বা শিল্পীর অনুকরণে রচিত সাহিত্য বা শিল্প” সূত্রঃ গুগল।

এখানে আমি “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” উপন্যাসে তার গল্পটির মূল ধারা ও চরিত্রের ব্যক্তিত্ব অনুসরণ করে গল্পের সিক্যুয়েল তৈরি করার সল্প এক প্রচেষ্ঠাই শুধু। কেমন হবে জানি না, বানান ও ব্যাকারণে অনেক ভুল থাকতে পারে কিন্তু আমার লেখার উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে সিক্যুয়েলটি পড়ে সবাই যেন আনন্দ পায় তাই ভুলগুলো দয়া করে ক্ষমার দৃষ্টিতে দেখবেন। আমি নিজেও এসব খুটিনাটির উপর নজর দেব না কারণ এটি আমার কেবল মাত্র লেখালেখিতে ফিরে যাওয়ার এক মহরা।

গল্পের প্রেক্ষাপটঃ

সবাইকে প্রথমে বলে রাখি যদি মূল উপন্যাস- “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” বইটি না পড়ে থাকেন, ভালো হয় এই প্যাস্টিচে পড়ার আগে একটু ঢু মেরে আসেন কারণ গল্পটি পরিপূর্ণ উপভোগ করতে চেলে এটিই শ্রেষ্ঠ মাধ্যম। গল্পের মূল চরিত্র সহ নতুন কিছু চরিত্র যোগ করা হবে। গল্পের স্বার্থে এটি শুরু হবে মূল উপন্যাস হতে ৫ বছর পর। “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” প্রকাশিত হয় ২০০১-এ, ধরে নিচ্ছি চিত্রার বিয়ে হয় ২০০১ সালে তাই আমার গল্পটি শুরু হবে ২০০৫ থেকে। তার সঙ্গে যে অভিজাত মেরিন ইন্জিনিয়ারের সঙ্গে বিয়ে হওয়ার কথা ছিলো, তা হয় এবং সে এখন বাংলাদেশ ছেড়ে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে বসবাসরত ও সংসার করছে।

এখান থেকে আমার পরের পোস্ট দিয়ে শুরু করবো গল্প, আর হ্যা “আজ চিত্রার বিয়ে” বইটির সিক্যুয়েলের জন্য একটি নাম তৈরি করেছি, তা হচ্ছ-

“কাল চিত্রা ফিরবে”

No One Deserves This

The story I am going to post is from a fellow Canadian Bangladeshi who got bamboozled by his wife through marriage and then through divorce. I am posting this as a cautionary tale so that no other Bangladeshi gets to experience this. When marrying someone, please make all the necessary effort to know that person in order to realize his/her true intents.

I am posting the original post below with the necessary edits in the language. This has been posted in the BCCB (Bangladeshi-Canadian Canadian Bangladeshi) Forum over Facebook.

I had a 5-year old married life. I am a Canadian citizen (Bangladeshi origin), who sponsored his wife from Bangladesh (after marriage). I have a kid who is 1 year of age. From the beginning of my marriage, my wife used to speak very little and was very introverted in nature. She did not open up to me at all. I was okay with it as people are different. After coming to Canada, the first 2 years, she was somewhat okay, but by somewhat okay I mean, she used to do some house work- cooking, and spending time with me, at least. From the last 3 years, she had become very distant. I tried everything- visit new place, spend time with her. I even switch my job, so that I could give her more time. As I presently have a good job and my manager being very flexible, I was able to spend more time with her. I even offered her therapy, but she was not willing to do that.

Now, around 9 months ago, she confessed that she has reconnected with her ex-boyfriend in Toronto and wanted to divorce me. It came as a total surprise for me. So I started questioning, and then she told me that she never loved me. All along, she have always loved her boyfriend. Since I am a Canadian citizen, at the time of our marriage which was arranged, she saw an opportunity to come to Canada. Her boyfriend at that time was an international student at the University of Toronto and was not in any position to marry or sponsor her. Now that he’s fully capable to taking care of her, she was willing to leave me.

In summary, (I quote), in her own words- “I saw an opportunity to marry you, let you take all the cost and hassle for me to bring me here.”

I was devastated, fell being cheated. not actually “felt” as she did cheat since she never stopped visiting her boyfriend in Toronto and I never suspected a single thing.

I talked with my lawyer who informed me that since she is a citizen, nothing can be done now. Apparently having extramarital affair in Canada is not illegal by law. And it will also be almost impossible to prove her intention for our marriage at court. Now, on top of everything, she is suing me for alimony, child support and house ownership. The court has already discharged her and have charged me with all the cost. There’s very little chance to win the appeal, even though I was cheated, betrayed and felling lost.

Just recently got 40% percent custody of our kid with her taking the other 60%. Her family is in full support towards her and even paid for a very good lawyer. My family don’t even care (about this) at all. Never again, I am getting married. I have learnt my lesson.

I am also posting the screenshot of the unedited original post taken from the BCCB forum at Facebook:

The real post taken from Facebook

Please I request everyone to pray for this unfortunate brother. No one deserves this happening in his/her life, I prayer for him and his 1 year old child.

Guide to Completing Your ECA with Your Degree From BRAC University

The process of completing your ECA from any educational assessment is almost the same if you happen to be a graduate from BRAC University.

Fortunately, the process is quite easy, straightforward and low of cost in the aspect of processing your documents from BRAC University to be delivered to the ECA body.

Whether you go for WES, IQAS, ICES, CES, your ECA process is almost same when you process your documents from BRAC University.

So here are the steps for you to follow in order get your ECA process smoothly.

Note: I completed my ECA from WES and my degree from BRAC University was Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) so I will be mentioning the procedures in the light of WES ECA, BBA degree. But don’t worry, the process is almost same for any ECA body and type of degree.

Step 1 – Open up an Account at Your Preferred ECA Body

For an WES account just follow the video provided below:

Choose Academic ECA if you are going for higher studies or Immigration ECA if you are going to apply for immigration to Canada.

Step 2 – Make Payment to Get Your Registration Number

Upon registering and paying for your ECA, you will be given a unique WES Reference Number.


My advice: No not go for premium mode of courier service, standard delivery is more than sufficient as you will get the soft copy upon completion of your ECA report instantly once it has been published at your WES account.

Step 3 – Go to the Transcript Office under the Office of Controller of Examination

Simply just go up the Registrar’s Building, 6th Floor to find the Transcript Office. The Room number is UB60405.


The time schedule and the notice regarding some rules and procedures hung in front of the Transcript Office is being given below:


Step 4 – Collect All Your Documents for Your ECA

You need 3 documents inside a sealed envelope from BRAC University in order to get your ECA done. These are as follows:

1. The Academic Records Request Form – Download the form from the following link. Fill up the upper portion which can be typed within the PDF form and leave the bottom part to be filled up by the representatives at the Transcript Office.

2. Academic Transcript – In order to order a copy of your Academic Transcript, you need to at first fill up the Document Request Form which can be downloaded via the following link. Have it filled up duly and then go to the Accounts Department at the Registrar Building. The representative there will calculate and write down the amount to be paid and will sign the document. Go down stairs to the BRAC Bank at the second building of the main campus and pay your due amount. After payment, return to UB60405 and submit your Document Request Form and inquire them when will the transcript be ready. Normal delivery takes 3 working days, whereas an emergency fee can shorten the process to just a singular day.

Note: If you want you can make a photocopy of your Academic Transcript and deliver an attested copy of the transcript within the sealed envelope. However, it is recommended that you send an original copy of your Academic Transcript as a transcript can be withdrawn as many times as one wants.

3. Original/Provisional Certificate Attested Copy – For the withdrawal of original or provisional certificate, ask the representatives for guidance as it involves a lot of procedures. You can only withdraw the original degree certificate once you are done with your Convocation. Otherwise, a provisional certificate is acceptable by WES.

[New] Step 5 – Scan Your Documents & Upload them to WES

Okay, I recently got notified that you need to scan your documents (the ones you will be sending through the sealed envelope) now and upload them to WES through your WES profile portal. Previously, this wasn’t needed. Just make sure that before sending the documents, you have the scanned copy of all your document.

This article mentions about the entire process quite smoothly so just follow the steps there.

Step 6 – Put all Your Documents Inside the Sealed Envelope

You need to make a separate payment for the sealed envelope which can be requested through the same Document Request Form. The representatives will provide you all the documents to be put inside the sealed envelope for you to check. Please check carefully for any possible mistakes and confirm it to the representative. He will seal off the documents and get it signed by the Registrar. It usually takes a few minutes if the Registrar is available.

Step 7 – Prepare the Sealed Envelope for Delivery

WES has provided an illustration which needs to be followed accordingly in order to send the academic transcript in an acceptable manner by WES. For your convenience the illustration is being provided below.


Type out your Reference Number and WES’s mailing address in a label-like strip and cut it out and stick it on the bottom right corner of your official sealed envelope.

Now your sealed envelope is prepared to be sent to WES. Mail your sealed envelope through DHL or FedEx and keep track of your package through the provided tracking number.

Step 8 – The Waiting Period

After this, you do not actually need to do anything. There is a verification process where WES sends an email to BRAC University asking them to verify your credentials. This BRAC University does so fortunately, free of cost under their own responsibility, so you do not need to worry. Within 7 working days after they have sent their reply to WES, your status will changed from “Awaiting Verification” to “In Progress”. Should you require to know more about WES’s evaluation process, please refer to the following link.

Should you require to contact the Office of Controller of Examination regarding the status of your WES verification process, you can contact them through the following contact numbers and emails:


Hopefully your WES will be completed by four months once the University has replied to their verification email. I sent my documents during the middle of December in 2019 and by the first week of March 2020, my WES ECA report was published. So WES is the fastest when it comes to constructing ECA report and also the most prestigious.

However, if your MBA is from BRAC University, it is recommended you go for CES or IQAS, otherwise you won’t receive Master equivalency from WES.

Final Advice: Be careful when sending your documents following all the instructions given by WES, otherwise your documents WON’T GET ACCEPTED and then you need to RESEND them. Other credentials assessment bodies have similar procedure in completing the ECA and from BRAC University’s end it is all the same for whichever ECA body of your choice.

Just to Let You Know: The WES evaluation for my 4-year BBA degree received a Canadian education equivalency of 3 years of Bachelor. However, I covered this short-coming by showing up my 2-year MBA (Evening) program from University of Dhaka which received Master degree equivalency from WES.

After the publication of your WES ECA, they will provide you with a “Badge Evidence” which you can display in your LinkedIn account. This is helpful in the case if you are seeking foreign job opportunities.

Here’s my own Badge Evidence which is also displayed at my LinkedIn Account.

Best of luck in completing your ECA from BRAC University, as an alumni, it was my pleasure in helping you all. 🙂

Goodreads Asked Me to Write a 2-Sentence Horror Story. Here was my Reply!

Can you tell us a two-sentence horror story?

This is the question which Goodreads asked me like 2 months back but it had always eluded me for some reason. Today I got to notice it finally and wrote this in a hurry:

They say, you can still contact Lynda even after she had committed suicide upon slitting her wrist at the washroom near the Science Lab. Just follow the given steps-

  1. go to the same washroom where she took her life
  2. turn on the faucet to fill up the basin
  3. look straight at the filled up basin and start chanting her name 9 times
  4. upon finishing your chant, her murky reflection will appear in the water as it reaches out to hold your face and drag you down along with her.

Link to the answered question at Goodreads

I know it’s a long tale for a 2-sentence story but please do let me know your reviews. It will mean a lot!

I apologize for the prolonging hiatus from my regular blog entries.

Thanks for giving it a read and do pray that I remain motivated enough to contribute regularly at my blog.


I guess, when it comes to marriage, I was never meant to have a quite Islamic wedding just as I have always dreamt of…

Perhaps, to what I visualize, I was meant to date an Arab of stunning beauty and intelligence, most likely of rare kind. At our first date perhaps she would be thirty of minutes late and would run to my table apologizing shyly. Perhaps I would accept the apology with a slight nod of relief. She would hastily order for a cup of hot coco and a glass of cold coffee. Perhaps she would daintily start off explaining the reason behind her lateness and I would return it back with a low chuckle. Perhaps she would gleefully exchange her inner pleas covering the qualities she desires in her potential spouse and I would listen to them saliently taking each details with utmost care.

Hers hot coco and my cold coffee would arrive and she would return the waitress with a thankful radiant smile. Then she would stop and say with a bashful voice, “Now you tell your part.”

I would start and would intently listen and the two of us would forget about our coco and coffee. Perhaps during this time, I may randomly contemplate from the first time I ever got to take interest in a girl back in kindergarten to whom I promised I would be someone great and when she hears my name, she would be proud; to the one I promised I wouldn’t reject a girl anymore without giving them chances to the ones I wasn’t allowed to get married to solely for some cultural constraint; from the time when I was forced to reject those who were interested in me, to the one where we thought we weren’t a good match where we parted with warmness. I would part.

Perhaps she would listen to all my words looking at me with a bemused countenance returning me with her silent short breaths. Having done, perhaps I would gulp, feeling the dryness inside my throat for the first time and I would nervously wait for her remarks.

She would blink swiftly, perhaps for the first time or perhaps for the first time I ever got to notice and she would give out the singular most beautiful smile I ever got to witness in a woman.

Perhaps the heat from the coco would wither while the ice in the coffee would disappear until the two settles out to become the same.

And perhaps, with joyous thoughts the two of us would look at one another realizing we had finally met our match.